Animated Documentary: A New Genre or a Marketing Gimmick?
Marcin Giżycki
kwartalnik.filmowy@ispan.plPolish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology (Poland)
In recent years, the term “animated documentary” has become very popular. This is largely due to the promotional campaign for the film Waltz with Bashir (2008) by Ari Folman, which was promoted as the first full-length animated documentary film. The author carries out criticism of this overused term, and demonstrates that this is an oxymoron. He proposes in its place the term “non-fiction animation”. He also considers the difference between how animation functions in a documentary film and its role in an “animated documentary”.
animated documentary, Ari Folman, non-fiction animationReferences
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Marcin Giż
Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology Poland
Krytyk i historyk sztuki; autor książek z dziedziny historii filmu i zjawisk kultury artystycznej. Wykładowca w Rhode Island School of Design w USA, profesor w Polsko-Japońskiej Akademii Technik Komputerowych w Warszawie. Opublikował Nie tylko Disney - rzecz o kinie animowanym (2000), Koniec i co dalej? (2001), Słownik kierunków, ruchów i kluczowych pojęć sztuki drugiej połowy XX wieku (2002), Wenders do domu! Europejskie filmy o Ameryce i ich recepcja w Stanach Zjednoczonych (2006).
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Copyright (c) 2018 Marcin Giżycki
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