… Only Stills Remained: Nonexistent Films of Cindy Sherman

Marcin Giżycki

Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology (Poland)


This essay discusses numerous links between the work of the American photographer Cindy Sherman and cinema, manifested through her famous cycle Untitled Film Stills (1977-1980), but also in her own films: a short animation made during her college years (Doll Clothes, 1975) and a horror (Office Killer, 1997). The author considers to what extent photographs from the cycle are inspired by specific films and what is the relationship between the artist’s own films and her Untitled Film Stills. He also recalls Edward Hopper, another well-known artist whose paintings resemble movie stills. Finally, the author reminds us of feature films made in the 1990s by other artists from Sherman’s generation: David Salle, Robert Longo, and Julian Schnabel.


Cindy Sherman, Edward Hopper, Pictures Generation, film stills

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Cited by

Giżycki, M. (2021) “… Only Stills Remained: Nonexistent Films of Cindy Sherman”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (115), pp. 239–248. doi: 10.36744/kf.827.


Marcin Giżycki 
Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology Poland

Film and art historian, critic, filmmaker. Professor at the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology in Warsaw (Poland). Senior Lecturer at Rhode Island School of Design in Providence (USA). Artistic Director of “Animator” – International Animated Film Festival in Poznań (Poland). Former editor-in-chief of Animafilm – the ASIFA quarterly. He has published eight books and around 400 articles on film and art in Polish and foreign publications. He has also made a number of documentary, live action, experimental, and animated films in Poland and the USA. In 2016 he received the Award for Outstanding Contribution to Animation Studies at “Animafest”, the World Festival of Animated Film in Zagreb (Croatia).


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