Home as a „Matter in Process” in Films and Artistic Projects

Małgorzata Radkiewicz

Jagiellonian University in Cracow (Poland)



The text presents an analysis of selected films, both Polish (Pora umierać, Dzikie róże, Cicha noc) and foreign (Grüße aus Fukushima, Con el viento) and artistic projects which address the issue of home in terms of matter/meaning and intra-activities between human and non-human subjects. The methodology of the analysis is based on post-human theories of Karen Barad and her idea of agential realism, and Rosi Braidotti and her concept of a reconfiguration of the post-human subject and of ethical micro policy. There are also some references to Félix Guattari and the idea of multiple ecologies: social, environmental, and mental.


post-human, matter, subjectivity, ecology, agential realism

Barad, K. (2007). Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning. Durham: Duke University.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv12101zq   Google Scholar

Barad, K. (2012). Posthumanistyczna performatywność: ku zrozumieniu, jak materia zaczyna mieć znaczenie (tłum. J. Bednarek). W: A. Gajewska (red.), Teorie wywrotowe. Antologia przekładów (ss. 323-360). Poznań: Wydawnictwo Poznańskie.
  Google Scholar

Braidotti, R. (2013). Po człowieku (tłum. J. Bednarek, A. Kowalczyk). Warszawa: PWN. (Publikacja oryginału: 2013).
  Google Scholar

Braidotti, R. (2018) Posthumanistyczna podmiotowość relacyjna i polityka afirmatywna (tłum. J. Stępień). Machina Myśli, ss. 1-19. http://machinamysli.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Braidotti_Podmiotowo%C5%9B%C4%87-relacyjna.pdf
  Google Scholar

Guattari, F. (1995). Chaosmosis: An Ethico-Aesthetic Paradigm (tłum. P. Bains, J. Pefanis). Bloomington: Indiana University Press. (Publikacja oryginału: 1992).
  Google Scholar


Cited by

Radkiewicz, M. (2020) “Home as a „Matter in Process” in Films and Artistic Projects ”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (110), pp. 62–78. doi: 10.36744/kf.338.


Małgorzata Radkiewicz 
Jagiellonian University in Cracow Poland

She is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Audiovisual Arts at the Jagiellonian University (Krakow, Poland). Her work deals with issues of contemporary cinema, gender, and women’s expressions in film, photography and arts. She published a book about women filmmakers (2001), and other one on Polish cinema of 1990s (2006). In her book Władczynie spojrzenia. Teoria filmu a praktyka reżyserek i artystek [Female Gaze: Film Theory and Practice of Women Directors and Artists] (2010) she addresses the issue of women’s cinema and arts in terms of feminist theory. In Oblicza kina queer [Faces of Queer Cinema] (2014), she analyses selected films dealing with the issue of queer, sexuality and gender. In her latest book, Modernistki o kinie. Kobiety w polskiej krytyce i publicystyce filmowej 1918-1939 [Modern Women on Cinema: Women in Polish Film Criticism 1918-1939] (2016), she presents Polish female film critics of  the1920s and 1930s, quoting original articles and archive materials. 


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