Experiments with Identity in Queer Cinema

Małgorzata Radkiewicz

Jagiellonian University (Poland)


Queer cinema is an area of negotiations dealing with the ways of representing non-normative sex­ual and gender identities using experiments with narration and forms of film expression. The analysis of selected films shows what characterizes the attitudes of individual artists towards the category of queer and how they translate this into the narrative and stylistic solutions. The poetics of the New queer Cinema, referred to as “Homo-Pomo”, which contains both the notions of homosexuality and postmodernism, is only one possible solution of many. Its variants are visible in the work of Derek Jarman, who is considered to be the main representative of this trend, but who - as a “queer artist” - cannot be bound within a single Creative mode. For Isaac Julien it was important to include the issue of queer into the debate dealing with ethnicity and multiculturalism, which would allow for multi-faceted representation and interpretation of the phenomenon of the “black queer”. Another approach to queerness is through the question of being transgender, which theme appears in Kimberly Peirce’s story of Brandon Teena and his/her gender incarnations. All of the films analysed present a critical perspective that helps to create queer representations that are alternative to normative standards (and images) of the identity.


queer, gender, New Queer Cinema, identity

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Cited by

Radkiewicz, M. (2013) “Experiments with Identity in Queer Cinema”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (82), pp. 44–54. doi: 10.36744/kf.2742.


Małgorzata Radkiewicz 
Jagiellonian University Poland

Filmoznawczyni, ad­iunkt w Instytucie Sztuk Audiowizualnych UJ. Zajmuje się problematyką tożsamości kulturowej oraz tożsamości płci (gender) we współczesnym kinie i sztukach wizualnych. Autorka książek: W poszukiwaniu sposobu ekspresji. O filmach Jane Campion i Sally Potter (2001), Derek Jarman. Por­tret indywidualisty (2003), „Młode wilki” pol­skiego kina. Kategoria gender a debiuty lat 90. (2006) oraz „Władczynie spojrzenia”. O kinie i sztuce kobiet (2010). Redaktorka tomów z serii Gender; publikuje na łamach czasopism, m.in. „Rita Baum”, „Ekrany”, „Czas Kultury”.



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