A Cow in Bed, and a Horse on a Piano

Marcin Giżycki

The Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology in Warsaw (Poland)


In the history of the cinema there are several surprisingly similar scenes with horses, cows or goats standing or lying in a relaxed fashion on furniture in bourgeois interiors. The most famous come from L’Age d’or (1930) by Luis Bunuel, Wrong Again (1929) with Oliver and Hardy and Moscow Laughs (other English title: Jolly Fellows /1934/) by Grigori Aleksandrov. It seems that the impact and popularity of these lies in the fact that they break the social taboo dealing with the standards of coexistence between humans and animals, which leads to comic situations, but the popularity lies also in the fact that this is a link to the tradition of fairy tales, offering us a gentle detachment from reality.


animals, comedy, tabu

Bettelheim, Bruno. 1985. Cudowne i pożyteczne. O znaczeniach i wartościach baśni, t. I. Tłum. D. Danek. Warszawa.
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Delmont, Joseph. 1928. Zwierzęta w filmie.
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Cited by

Giżycki, M. (2013) “A Cow in Bed, and a Horse on a Piano”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (83-84), pp. 317–321. doi: 10.36744/kf.2729.


Marcin Giżycki 
The Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology in Warsaw Poland

Krytyk i historyk sztuki; autor książek z dziedziny historii filmu i zjawisk kultury artystycznej. Wykładowca w Rhode Island School of Design w USA. Opublikował m.in. Nie tylko Disney - rzecz o kinie animowanym (2000), Ko­niec i co dalej? (2001), Słownik kierunków, ru­chów i kluczowych pojęć sztuki drugiej połowy XX wieku (2002), Wenders do domu! Europejskie filmy o Ameryce i ich recepcja w Stanach Zjedno­czonych (2006).


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