Topos of Human Body in Julien Bryan’s “Siege”

Marek Hendrykowski
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (Poland)


Marek Hendrykowski’s close-reading study remembers and re-discovers one of the most influenced documentaries of the 1930s. Julien H. Bryan (1899-1974) was widely experienced American correspondent, photographer and documentary filmmaker. His Siege (released 12 February 1940 in New york City) gave unique two-week personal report from Warsaw during German invasion in September 1939. All dramatic pictures presented in this movie are based on true events filmed by Bryan with authenticity of every detail connected with civilians who try to survive in the bombed and ruined city. Siege as first documentary of World War II is charged with powerful emotions, since it is difficult to pass by the tragedies, pains and misery of real people.


Julien H. Bryan, World War II, war documentary

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Sontag, Susan. 2010. Widok cudzego cierpienia. Tłum. S. Magala, Kraków.
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Cited by

Hendrykowski, M. (2013) “Topos of Human Body in Julien Bryan’s ‘Siege’”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (83-84), pp. 220–225. doi: 10.36744/kf.2720.


Marek Hendrykowski
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan Poland

Filmoznawca, medioznawca, profesor w Katedrze Filmu, Telewizji i Nowych Mediów Uniwersytetu Adama Mickie­wicza w Poznaniu. Autor książek: Słowo w filmie. Historia - teoria - interpretacja (1982), Autor jako problem poetyki filmu (1988), Język ruchomych ob­razów (1999), Film jako źródło historyczne (2000) oraz monografii Stanisława Różewicza, Marcela Łozińskiego, Andrzeja Munka, Krzysztofa Ko­medy i Janusza Morgensterna. Założyciel i redaktor międzynarodowego czasopisma „IMAGES”. Eks­pert Polskiego Instytutu Sztuki Filmowej.


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