The Temple of New Faith: Film Images of Building of the Palace of Culture 1952-1955

Marek Hendrykowski
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań (Poland)


In his article Marek Hendrykowski analyses archive materials from the period of 1952-1955 dealing with the images of building of the Warsaw Palace of Culture and Science in the context of Stalinism. The author concludes that from a controversial gift, the Palace of Culture became a relict of bygone Stalinist era, a reminder of increasingly distant decades of enslavement by the Soviet and Polish communists. Today, films filmed during erection of the building are an indispensable witness to the conceit of the system imposed by force that led to the premature announcement of its triumph. The Palace, monstrous in its vastness, is yet another monument of the history of Warsaw, a part of its landscape and is useful to its inhabitants. The seductive evil with which it will forever be associated ceased to exert its sinister influence.


Palace of Culture, stalinism, communism

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Cited by

Hendrykowski, M. (2015) “The Temple of New Faith: Film Images of Building of the Palace of Culture 1952-1955”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (92), pp. 87–99. doi: 10.36744/kf.2266.


Marek Hendrykowski
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań Poland

Historyk i teoretyk filmu, medioznawca, badacz kultury audiowizual­nej, profesor zwyczajny w Katedrze Filmu, Tele­wizji i Nowych Mediów UAM, redaktor senior czasopisma naukowego „Images”, autor mono­grafii książkowych: Film jako źródło historyczne (2000), Kanał (wspólnie z Donem Fredericksenem, 2007), Popiół i diament (2008), Komeda (2009), Eroica (2011), Film i moda (2011), An­drzej Munk (2011), Do widzenia, do jutra (2012), Morgenstern (2012), Najlepsze kasztany. Księga cytatów polskiego filmu (2013), Semiotyka rucho­mych obrazów (2014) oraz Współczesna adapta­cja filmowa (2014).


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