Comedians and Comics: The Second Life of the Interwar Film Stars

Wojciech Świdziński
The Aleksander Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art (Poland)


In the comic strips published in the Polish press of the interwar period, a distinct current was represented by humorous stories about film comedians. This article discusses “cartoons” – as the press comic strips were called at the time – devoted to Charlie Chaplin, Pat and Patachon, and comic incarnations of the cinema and cabaret stars Kazimierz “Lopek” Krukowski and Adolf “Dodek” Dymsza. Most of the works discussed here emphasize Eulenspiegel qualities of the on-screen comedians, which, especially in the case of Chaplin, was a return to his cinematic origins. There are also reminiscences of specific films in some of these cartoons, as well as – especially in the case of Dodek – attempts to adapt the specific language used by his character. It is difficult to determine to what extent this second life that the stars of the screen found in the press matched the reception of their movies. However, it certainly enhanced their popularity by minimizing the barriers between the inaccessible cinema idols and the public, who imaginatively transposed their adventures into the familiar Polish realities.


comics, interwar period, Charlie Chaplin, Adolf Dymsza, Kazimierz Krukowski, Pat and Patachon

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Cited by

Świdziński, W. (2024) “Comedians and Comics: The Second Life of the Interwar Film Stars ”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (125), pp. 158–179. doi: 10.36744/kf.1877.


Wojciech Świdziński
The Aleksander Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art Poland

PhD in Humanities; theatre and film scholar. Lecturer at the Theatre Academy in Warsaw, member of the Polish Society for Film and Media Studies. He published the book Co było grane? Film zagraniczny w Polsce w latach 1918-1929 na przykładzie Warszawy [What Was on Screens? Foreign Movies in Poland 1918-1929. A Case Study of Warsaw] (2015). He is also the author of an academic study of Andrzej Włast’s collection of movie columns. He published scientific and popular science articles in Kwartalnik Filmowy, Ekrany, Pleograf, and Stolica.


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