Spontaneous Cinema

Marcin Giżycki

Rhode Island School of Design (United States)


Giżycki discusses the art of improvisation in film making. This aspect of creativity is, he argues, one of the most neglected ones by the scholars. According to Giżycki the first improvisers in the history of the cinema were the brothers Lumiere, who filmed everything that happened in front of their cameras, whereas the first self-conscious improvisations were probably made by Feliks Kuczkowski, a long forgotten pioneer of Polish animated film. Unfortunately no trace of his work survives. The first surviving attempt of spontaneous cinema identified by Giżycki is Man Ray's Return to Reason (1923), who thanks to that particular film became one of the founding fathers of the whole genre of frameless film in experimental cinema, and a precursor of non-camera films. Non-camera films, especially the abstract ones, became one of the most responsive mediums for spontaneous cinema. The author considers work of this type made by Stan Brakhage and Norman McLaren, and he also mentions David Ehrlich and Jonas Mekas. The article is concluded by a manifest of spontaneous cinema, in which the author shows why spontaneous films are worth watching and filming.


spontaneous cinema, improvisation, Feliks Kuczkowski, Man Ray

Brakhage Stan, Telling Time: Essays of a Visionary Filmmaker, Kingston 2003, s. 78-79.
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Kuczkowski Feliks, Wspomnienia o filmie przyszłości, Warszawa 1955, maszynopis w zbiorach Filmoteki Narodowej.
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McLaren Norman, Animated Films, w: R. Russett, C. Starr, Experimental Animation: Origins of a New Art, New York 1976, s. 123.
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McWilliams Donald (red.), Norman McLaren: On the Creative Process, Montreal 1991 (broszura towarzysząca płycie DVD Norman McLaren: Selected Films), s. 45.
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Mekas Jonas, Just Like a Shadow... An Interview with Jerome Sans, w: Jonas Mekas: Just Like a Shadow, red. P. Remy, Paris 2000.
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Ray Man, Self Portrait, Boston 1988, s. 212.
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Richard Vallière T., Norman McLaren: Manipulator of Movement, London-Toronto 1982, s. 76.
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Cited by

Giżycki, M. (2009) “Spontaneous Cinema”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (67-68), pp. 304–308. doi: 10.36744/kf.3112.


Marcin Giżycki 
Rhode Island School of Design United States

Krytyk i historyk sztuki, autor książek z dziedziny historii filmu i zjawisk kul­tury artystycznej. Wykładowca w Rhode Island School of Design w USA. Opublikował m.in. Nie tylko Disney—rzecz o kinie animowanym (2000), Koniec i co dalej? (2001), Słownik kierunków, ruchów i kluczowych pojec sztuki drugiej połowy XX wieku (2002), Wenders do domu! Europejskie filmy o Ameryce i ich recepcja w Stanach Zjed­noczonych (2006).


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