Anima Possession: “Possession” by Andrzej Żuławski in the Context of the Notion of the Phantasm and Depth Psychology
Marcin Maron
marmar-72@o2.plMaria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin (Poland)
The author analyses Andrzej Żuławski’s film Possession (1981) in the context of the notion of the phantasm, as well as the connections with the depth psychology of Carl Gustav Jung and his followers: Erich Neumann and James Hillman. The first part of the article presents the philosophical and psychoanalytic genealogy of the notions of phantasm and fantasy. The second part explains film references to Jung’s principal ideas. In the third part, the author indicates the ambivalence of film images from Possession, which can be associated with J. Hillman’s archetypal psychology. Andrzej Żuławski’s inspirations by Jung’s depth psychology are expressed in the film through the themes of individual and collective unconsciousness, the image of “evil” as a real force in the “numinal” – that is, in a sense, religious – nature of the protagonists’ experiences and, ultimately, the tendency to think and grasp these problems in a pictorial way, as well as – more generally – in the imaginary fiction created by the director, which is a fantasy narration treated as a play, a show, as “mirrors” of individual and collective mental experiences, possibly based on archetypes.
Andrzej Żuławski, Carl Gustav Jung, James Hillman, psychology of depth, archetypes, animaReferences
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Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin Poland
Graduate of the Leon Schiller National Film School (PWSFTviT) in Łódź; holder of a postdoctoral degree conferred by the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Arts at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, where he teaches photography and history of film. Author of the following books: Romantyzm i kino. Idee i wyobrażenia romantyczne w filmach polskich reżyserów z lat 1947-1990 [Romanticism and Cinema: Romantic Ideas in Films by Polish Directors of 1947-1990] (2019; winner of the Art Sciences Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences Award in 2020); Mieczysław Jahoda. Fenomeny światła [Mieczysław Jahoda: Phenomena of Light] (2019, with a biographic note by A. M. Leśniewska-Zagrodzka); Dramat czasu i wyobraźni. Filmy Wojciecha J. Hasa [Drama of Time and Imagination: Films by Wojciech J. Has] (2010). Co-author of the book Zdjęcia: Jerzy Lipman [Shooting: Jerzy Lipman] (2005, ed. T. Lubelski) and author of many articles concerning the connections between film, literature and philosophy. Lecturer at the Polish Film Academy (Warsaw, Łódź, Kielce). Since 2019, member of the Programme Council of the Polish Society for Film and Media Studies.
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