Towards Poland, or Images of the Silesian Uprisings and the Plebiscite in Polish Films

Andrzej Gwóźdź
University of Silesia (Poland)


The author follows the traces of the Silesian uprisings and the plebiscite in post-war Polish cinema. The main thread of the article is preceded by an exploration of the pre-war manifestations of the screen life of these motifs. Apart from the two films from the 1960s: Rodzina Milcarków (The Milcarek Family, 1962) by Józef Wyszomirski and the myth-making folk-ballad Sól ziemi czarnej (Salt of the Black Earth, 1969) by Kazimierz Kutz, only a few episodes of Zbigniew Chmielewski’s television series Blisko, coraz bliżej (Close, Getting Closer, 1982; broadcast on television in 1983-1986) were devoted to this topic. This modest corpus is complemented by Bracia (Brothers, 2006) by Józef Kłyk, an amateur filmmaker. The uprisings were often represented on screen in documentaries, instrumentalized in the ideological spirit of the People’s Republic of Poland, shown in educational contexts or those presenting cinema as a machinery of memory. However, the repertoire of “landscapes of memory” about the uprisings and the plebiscite from a hundred years ago is yet to be completed.


Silesian Uprisings, Upper Silesia plebiscite, Zbigniew Chmielewski, Kazimierz Kutz, amateur film, Polish cinema

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Cited by

Gwóźdź, A. (2020) “Towards Poland, or Images of the Silesian Uprisings and the Plebiscite in Polish Films”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (112), pp. 195–215. doi: 10.36744/kf.442.


Andrzej Gwóźdź
University of Silesia Poland

Full Professor at the Institute of Cultural Studies, University of Silesia (Katowice). For many years he was also a researcher and lecturer at the University of Lodz, as well as a visiting professor at universities in Konstanz and Shanghai, and a lecturer at universities in the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Germany and Latvia. He is particularly interested in the theory of film and new media, and the anthropology of imagery. His recent publications include two monographs on German cinema: Zaklinanie rzeczywistości. Filmy niemieckie i ich historie 1933-1949 [Enchanting the Reality: German Films and Their Histories 1933-1949] (2018) and Kino na biegunach. Filmy niemieckie i ich historie 1949-1991 [Rocking Between the Poles: German Films and Their Histories 1949-1991] (2019). Moreover, he is the author of Powtórka z Kutza [Revising the Works of Kazimierz Kutz] (2019), as well as the originator and editor of several dozens of anthologies and collective volumes devoted to media theory, history of film reflection, history of Upper Silesian cinema, and various filmmakers. His recent publications include: W poszukiwaniu polskiej Nowej Fali [In Search for the Polish New Wave] (in collaboration with M. Wach, 2017), Widzialność wyzwolona [Liberated Visibility] (in collaboration with N. Gruenpeter, 2018), Z góry widać lepiej. Niedokończone rozmowy z Kazimierzem Kutzem. Rozmawiał Andrzej Gwóźdź [You Get a Better View from Above: Unfinished Conversations with Kazimierz Kutz. Interviewed by Andrzej Gwóźdź] (2019). In 2005-2009 he was the president of the Polish Association of Cultural Studies; in 2006-2014 he was the editor-in-chief of the quarterly Kultura Współczesna. He is the founder, and, since 2015, the vice-president of the Polish Society for Film and Media Studies.


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