Modernism in Film

Rafał Syska
Jagiellonian University (Poland)


The article presents modernism in film, where modernism is defined as a trend in art cinema in 1950-1970s, where self-reflection, formal aspect of the work, subjectivism, distancing and deconstruction of classic models of drama and narrative are the defining characteristics of the style. The article summarizes the most important definitions of modernism in arts, highlighting the theoretical aspects that were later developed in film studies. Syska also defines the temporal frames of the style, and identifies the key films that adopted this style. Chronology and aspects of worldviews and the aesthetics also needed to be systematized in order to deepen the understanding of this aesthetic trend in film. The author concludes by arguing that neo-modernism is the contemporary form of the modernist cinema of the past decades.


modernism, neomodernism, author cinema

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Cited by

Syska, R. (2009) “Modernism in Film”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (67-68), pp. 142–168. doi: 10.36744/kf.3103.


Rafał Syska
Jagiellonian University Poland

Adiunkt habilitowany w Instytucie Sztuk Audiowizualnych UJ. Pracę doktorska po­święcił zjawisku przemocy w kinie, a rozprawę habilitacyjna - twórczości Roberta Altmana. Jest autorem kilku ksiazek, Film i przemoc. Sposoby obrazowania przemocy w kinie, Poezja obrazu. Filmy Theo Angelopoulosa, Zachować dystans. Filmowy świat Roberta Altmana.


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