Coloured Threads: “The Stitches Speak”

Sławomir Sikora
University of Warsaw (Poland)


A twelve minute, animated film The Stitches Speak (Nina Sabnani, 2009) deals with the issue of the convergence of voice, narration, and fabric as the products of a person with the person’s life history. Animated fabrics speak with the voices of their makers. This charming film that gained recognition on many film festivals, perfectly intertwines the two levels of narrative (image and word), allowing the viewer at the same time to enter the means of perceiving and speaking of the women of the Kutch region. As Judy Frater, an anthropologist engaged in the making of the film notes: We can see how they speak about their work. The animation of the fabric is an interesting way of realistically “describing” and presenting this phenomenon.


Nina Sabnani, animation, fabric

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Cited by

Sikora, S. (2011) “Coloured Threads: ‘The Stitches Speak’”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (74), pp. 195–197. doi: 10.36744/kf.2971.


Sławomir Sikora
University of Warsaw Poland

Adiunkt w Instytucie Etnolo­gii i Antropologii Kulturowej UW. Autor książki Fotografia. Między dokumentem a symbolem (2004). Publikował w „Kontekstach”, „Cza­sie Kultury”, „Roczniku Historii Sztuki”, „Dialogu”, „Latarniku”. Współtłumacz: J. Berger, O patrzeniu (1999), C. Geertz, Dzieło i życie. An­tropolog jako autor (2000), J. Clifford, Kłopoty z kulturą. Dwudziestowieczna etnografia, litera­tura i sztuka (2000). 


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