...a Step Across the Border: Transcultural Spaces of Musical Documentary

Maciej Stasiowski

Jagiellonian University (Poland)


Multiculturalism was born in an atmosphere of emancipation of the cultures of the Third World. However multiculturalism offers a reductionist ideology, that neglects the character of mutual exchanges of experiences and the syncretic results of this dialogue, that is an added value of both aesthetic systems. Music is a perfect example to illustrate this kind of dialogue. Cinematic repre­sentation of “swapping spaces”, for example in films such as Touch the sound, Step Across the Border or Sounds and Silence, is connected with their form of documentary essays that reflect on the nature of sound, and the non-homogeneity of music and with their structure that abandons the typical schema of rockumentaries. They share a common character (nomad, composer-tra­veller), and at the same time the chronology of his experiences reflects the topography of sites and cross-cultural art projects. Films analysed in the article approach the topic of “transcultural space” through a variety of means of expression, that not only present the biography of the artist, but also reflect the nature of the sound, which is formed at the interface of two cultures.


musical documentary, rockumentary, multiculturalism

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Cited by

Stasiowski, M. (2012) “. a Step Across the Border: Transcultural Spaces of Musical Documentary”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (80), pp. 47–60. doi: 10.36744/kf.2796.


Maciej Stasiowski 
Jagiellonian University Poland

Doktorant (w dziedzi­nie filmoznawstwa) na Wydziale Zarządza­nia i Komunikacji Społecznej UJ; zajmuje się potencjałem kina jako medium do reali­zacji projektów architektury niemożliwej. Redaktor czasopisma o tematyce filmowej „16mm”. Publikuje m.in. w „EKRANach”, „Kinie” oraz w Internecie (Dwutygodnik, Onet, Mrówkojad, e-Splot, Stopklatka).



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