[cinem]architectonics: The Narrativeness of Architectural Designs and Experimental Animations Dealing with Space as a Continuation of the Speculative Drawing Tradition

Maciej Stasiowski

Jagiellonian University (Poland)


The experiment in the field of architecture is a rarity. Commercial projects give priority to function and functionality, and exclude excess, surplus or too radical a treatment of the architectural pro­gram. Architectural drawing gives one a certain degree of freedom - whether it is a draft, a preliminary outline of the project or its visualization. The tradition of drawing, beginning with the Renaissance’ invenzione, through the Baroque’s esquisse, up to contemporary computer animation, presupposed a certain level of such a luxury as an area of pure experiment, with which one tests properties of space, studies architectural elements and runs simulations of solutions, that gives release to utopian ambitions or leads to the critique of the field itself. The article analyses the history of this purely speculative subfield, that oscillates between theory (manifestos, projects) and practice (models, artistic creations) and architectural animations with the speculative-critical po­tential of Piranesi’s Carceri.


architecture, sketch, drawing

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Cited by

Stasiowski, M. (2013) “[cinem]architectonics: The Narrativeness of Architectural Designs and Experimental Animations Dealing with Space as a Continuation of the Speculative Drawing Tradition”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (82), pp. 138–154. doi: 10.36744/kf.2749.


Maciej Stasiowski 
Jagiellonian University Poland

Doktorant w Instytucie Sztuk Audiowizualnych UJ; przygotowuje rozprawę po­święconą relacjom architektury i kina, szczególnie w eksperymentalnej odmianie obu dziedzin. Re­daktor dwumiesięcznika „Ekrany”.


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