Experiments with the Split Screen
The article examines the phenomenon of split screen. Firstly Syska describes the history of analogue split screen in silent cinema when this tool was sometimes used in scenes with phone conversations, dreams and intra-diegetic film screenings. Later, the author focuses on the post-classical cinema and presents the analysis of the various forms of split screen in Grand Prix, The Thomas Crown Affair or The Boston Strangler. This special kind of screen division is observed as a consequence of dynamic narration, influence of TV-style, and experiments in media art. The third part of the essay is concentrated on contemporary, digital split screen - beginning with Prospero’s Books and concluding with 127 Hours and The Tracey Fragments. The main purpose of the article is to analyze the split screen as a response to evolution of modern ways of communication, the phenomenon of multiplication in process of information delivery and the regress of single, integrated subject in narrative methods. Split screen can be perceived as the natural form of the description of visual experiences in our time - as an equivalent of the divided composition in computer window applications, TV news, billboard system and multiplicity in contemporary communication system.
split screen, media art, narrationReferences
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Rafał Syskakwartalnik.filmowy@ispan.pl
Jagiellonian University Poland
Historyk filmu, doktor habilitowany w Instytucie Sztuk Audiowizualnych UJ. Autor książek poświęconych przemocy w kinie (Film i przemoc. Sposoby obrazowania filmowych aktów przemocy) i twórcom kina autorskiego (Zachować dystans. Filmowy świat Roberta Altmana, Poezja obrazu. Filmy Theo Angelopoulosa). Redaktor Słownika filmu, a obecnie współredaktor wielotomowych publikacji Mistrzowie kina amerykańskiego i Historia kina. Stypendysta Fundacji Tygodnika „Polityka”, Fundacji na rzecz Nauki Polskiej i Fundacji Kościuszkowskiej. W 2012 r. przebywał jako Scholar Visiting na Columbia University. Założyciel i redaktor naczelny magazynu „Ekrany”. Obecnie w kręgu jego zainteresowań znajduje się współczesne kino autorskie, zwłaszcza neomodernistyczne.
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Copyright (c) 2013 Rafał Syska
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In issues from 105-106 (2019) to 119 (2022) all articles were published under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence. During this period the authors granted a royalty-free non-exclusive licence (CC BY-ND 4.0) to use their article in „Kwartalnik Filmowy”, retained full copyright, and agreed to identify the work as first having been published in our journal should it be published or used again.
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