Polish Actors in the Films of DEFA in the Last Twenty Five Years of the Existence of the German Democratic Republic

Andrzej Gwóźdź

University of Silesia (Poland)


The role Polish actors played in East German DEFA is usually well known, though not sufficiently well described. Of course this is not merely a question of co-productions, although they (like for example the first one, Kurt Maetzig’s Silent Star, 1960) confirm the transfer of actors between Warsaw and Berlin. A deficit of good actors in GDR, and the good reputation of Polish cinema in GDR meant that they often relied on actors from Poland. The author focuses on the analysis and interpretation of the phenomenon of transitivity of acting between national cinematographies. Remarkable in this regard was especially the role of a young and beautiful woman engineer created by Krystyna Stypułkowska, who starred in the cult film The Trail of Stones (1966) by Frank Beyer - Western like social realist movie, that was blocked by the East German censorship until 1990. Franciszek Pieczka deserves particular attention in this overview, especially in Rainer Simon’s Jadup and Boel (1980/1988), and in the title role as the owner of a travelling puppet theatre Fariaho...! (1983) by Roland Gräf. Pieczka also played in West German David (1979) by Peter Lilienthal (the first West German production to obtain the Golden Bear in the feature film category on Berlinale 1979). In West Germany, in addition to Pieczka, other Polish actors were active, especially in films by Volker Schlöndorff, among them Jerzy Skolimowski as a journalist working on the warring Middle East (Forgery, 1981). In the article Gwóźdź is searching for answers regarding the phenomenon of transfer of actors as a cultural fact.


DEFA, German cinema, East Germany

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Cited by

Gwóźdź, A. (2016) “Polish Actors in the Films of DEFA in the Last Twenty Five Years of the Existence of the German Democratic Republic”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (95), pp. 84–96. doi: 10.36744/kf.2165.


Andrzej Gwóźdź 
University of Silesia Poland

Profesor zwyczajny na Uniwersytecie Śląskim w Katowicach, gdzie kieruje Zakładem Filmoznawstwa i Wiedzy o Mediach; profesor gościnny uniwer­sytetów w Konstancji i Szanghaju, wykładowca uczelni w Holandii, Czechach, Niemczech i na Łotwie. Interesuje się głównie teorią filmu i nowych mediów, antropologią obrazowości oraz historią kinematografii niemieckich. Autor książek, m.in.: Pochwała widzialności. Ze studiów nad niemiecką myślą filmową do roku 1933 (1990), Kul­tura - komunikacja - film. O tekście filmowym (1992), Ob­razy i rzeczy. Film między mediami (1997, 2003), Technologie widzenia, czyli media w poszukiwaniu autora: Wim Wenders (2005), Obok kanonu. Tropami kina nie­mieckiego (2011), a także kilkudziesięciu antologii i tomów zbiorowych, głównie z zakresu teorii mediów, historii myśli filmowej oraz twórczości filmowej. W la­tach 2005-2009 Prezes Polskiego Towarzystwa Kulturo- znawczego, redaktor naczelny kwartalnika „Kultura Współczesna” (2006-2014). Współzałożyciel i wicepre­zes Polskiego Towarzystwa Badań nad Filmem i Me­diami (od 2015).


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