The Poetics of “Holiday” by Zbigniew Rybczyński

Marek Hendrykowski
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań (Poland)


Marek Hendrykowski’s article contains an analysis and interpretation of the poetics of one of the early films by Zbigniew Rybczyński - Holiday (Święto 1976). Using the close reading method, the author carries out the reconstruction of the relationships between the sphere of form and the sphere of the content of this work, pointing to the important function of its aesthetic over-organization and the significance of its particular elements, especially set de­sign, music, light, colour and rhythm. In conclusion, Hendrykowski writes: The striking fea­ture of the “Holiday” (...) is director’s striving for a complex and complete, as far as possible, description of the values such as time and space, whilst trying to define one’s own place in the world. The proper object of Rybczyński’s artistic fascination is not any single object- sign or their freely developed set (collection) on the screen, but the structure of being human in the world.


Zbigniew Rybczyński, rhythm, close reading

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Cited by

Hendrykowski, M. (2017) “The Poetics of ‘Holiday’ by Zbigniew Rybczyński”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (100), pp. 88–97. doi: 10.36744/kf.1991.


Marek Hendrykowski
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań Poland

Profesor zwyczajny w Instytucie Filmu, Mediów i Sztuk Audiowizual­ nych Uniwersytetu Adama Mickiewicza w Poz­naniu. Autor książek: Słownik terminów filmo­wych (1994), Sztuka krótkiego metrażu / The Art of the Short Film (1996), Film jako źródło histo­ryczne (2000), Andrzej Munk (2011), Eroica (2012), Semiotyka ruchomych obrazów (2014), Współczesna adaptacja filmowa (2015), Proksemika. Studia z semiotyki i antropologii kultury (2016), News. Antropologia - (po)etyka - kultura (2016), Scenariusz filmowy - teoria i praktyka (2017) oraz Semiotyka twarzy (2017). Członek Stowarzyszenia Autorów ZAiKS, Koła Scena­rzystów SFP i Europejskiej Akademii Filmowej.


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