Ralph Steiner – A Pioneer Among Ecclectics or “The Beautiful Ripples of Water”

Rafał Syska

Jagiellonian University (Poland)


Syska presents the life and work of Ralph Steiner (1899-1986), whose background, fate and biographical and social conditions were symptomatic of a career pattern typical of the American avant-garde of the late 1920s and 1930s of the 20th century. According to Syska, American film avant-garde was not born, as many think, in 1943, together with the premiere of Maya Deren and Alexander Hammid’s Meshes of the Afternoon, but existed already for a decade or so, and developed within various artistic streams. It also helped to create artistic bohemians, and created a number of talented artists. Ralph Steiner was one of the most outstanding representatives of this trend. Syska concludes his review of Steiner’s work with the argument that for Steiner, the technique and the formal aspect of film making were not the most important elements of his creativity. Rather what mattered was the possibility of showing the beauty of rippling water (refined imagery devoid of meaningful references), which was the main theme of his famous movie H2O (1929).


Ralph Steiner, American avant-garde, rippling water

Alexander William, Film on the Left: American Documentary Film from 1931 to 1942, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NY 1981, s. 15.
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Horak Jean-Christopher, Avant-Garde Film, w: Grand Design. Hollywood as a Modern Business Enterprise, red. T. Balio, University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London, 1995, s. 388-389.
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MacDonald Scott, Ralph Steiner, w: Lovers of Cinema. The First American Film Avant-Garde 1919-1945, red. J.-Ch. Horak, The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison 1995, s. 215.
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Seldes Gilbert, Some Amateur Movies, „New Republic” 1929, 6 March, s. 71.
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Steiner Ralph, In Pursuits of Clouds, University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque 1985.
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Steiner Ralph, Leo Hurwizt, A New Approach to Film Making, „New Theatre”, September 1935, s. 22.
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Cited by

Syska, R. (2010) “Ralph Steiner – A Pioneer Among Ecclectics or ‘The Beautiful Ripples of Water’”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (70), pp. 26–36. doi: 10.36744/kf.3056.


Rafał Syska 
Jagiellonian University Poland

Adiunkt hab. w Instytucie Sztuk Au­diowizualnych UJ. Autor książek, m.in. Film i przemoc. Sposoby obrazowania przemocy w kinie (2003), Poezja obrazu. Filmy Theo Angelopoulosa (2008), Zachować dystans. Filmowy świat Roberta Altmana (2008). 


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