“Eidôlon”: From Object Poems to Objects in Film
The material world and in particular objects are a focus of great interest in anthropology, sociology, historiography, archeology and literature studies. And so in turn Koschany considers how objects and the material world are understood and analysed in film studies. One of the possibilities is the interdisciplinary comparative reflection upon the function and the ways of being of objects in film and literature. Koschany considers the example of object poems (Ding-Gedicht) and their film equivalent. The starting point in this comparison is to distinguish “normal” objects (that are always subordinate in relation to subjects) from objects (things) that are of equal rank to men, understood in accordance to the framework provided by Kant, Husserl or Heidegger (hence the frequent references to philosophy). In the article two methods dealing with the analysis of things in poems and films are considered: the semiotic and the phenomenological. The author also considers the example of the word “Rosebud”, spoken by Citizen Kane, and its particular relation with another object - a child’s sleigh.
object oriented ontology, Orson Welles, German philosophyReferences
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Rafał Koschanykwartalnik.filmowy@ispan.pl
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan Poland
Adiunkt w Zakładzie Semiotyki Kultury Instytutu Kulturoznawstwa UAM, autor książki Przypadek. Kategoria artystyczna i egzystencjalna w literaturze i filmie (2006) oraz artykułów publikowanych w pracach zbiorowych i czasopismach naukowych; swoje zainteresowania badawcze lokuje m.in. na pograniczu literaturoznawstwa i filmoznawstwa.
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