Time on Hold – The American Nostalgia for the Rock and Roll Era

Patrycja Włodek

University of the National Education Commission, Krakow (Poland)


The 1950s are a special period in the history of the United States. It is one of the most mythologised and fetishised eras in the American culture of the 20th century. At the same time it is one of the most ambiguous periods, susceptible to external expectations as to its image created in the cinema. The 1950s – stretching from the ideal all American era of Eisenhower and the birth of youth culture and social movements that radically changed America in the following periods – was ambivalent already at the point of exit, which was reflected on the one hand in clean teen movies, and on the other hand in family melodramas. In particular 1950s gained significance in the 1980s, when the nostalgia for the rock and roll era, as part of Reaganism and Reagan-retro, that is a conservative trend in the cinema, ousted the social context and historical background of the era, turning the paradoxical 1950s into a pop culture theme park full of often empty icons.


1950s, Reaganism, rock and roll, constestation

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Cited by

Włodek, P. (2014) “Time on Hold – The American Nostalgia for the Rock and Roll Era”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (86), pp. 113–133. doi: 10.36744/kf.2418.


Patrycja Włodek 
University of the National Education Commission, Krakow Poland

Doktor nauk o sztuce, absol­wentka socjologii i filmoznawstwa na Uniwersy­tecie Jagiellońskim, pracuje na Uniwersytecie Pedagogicznym im. KEN w Krakowie. Autorka rozprawy doktorskiej Czarny kryminał Raymonda Chandlera w literaturze i filmie oraz licznych tekstów o tematyce filmowej publikowanych w tomach zbiorowych i czasopismach nauko­wych. W kręgu zainteresowań autorki znajdują się zagadnienia z zakresu historii kina, ze szczegól­nym uwzględnieniem historii kinematografii ame­rykańskiej.


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