Enslaving or Liberating? Walerian Borowczyk’s “The Story of Sin” as a Political Film

Sebastian Jagielski

Jagiellonian University (Poland)


In The Story of Sin (Dzieje grzechu, 1975), Walerian Borowczyk shows the oppression of the Catholic, national (bourgeois), and patriarchal systems through the visualisation of “oppression expression” and “expression oppression”. Following Elena del Río’s reflection, the author attempts to challenge the claims of those researchers who saw in Borowczyk’s film only a spectacle of the objectified female body. He argues that although the spectacle hinders the narrative, it does not block the expression of the body. On the contrary, it releases its power by loosening the structures of the film narrative. The body movement of Ewa Pobratyńska, the film heroine, is as much a reaction to the oppressive reality (the home and the Church) as it is a promise to break through a pattern of life based on compulsive repetition. Adopting the terminological distinction between biopower and biopolitics suggested in Michel Foucault’s writings, the author recognizes in The Story of Sin political potential aimed at a disciplinary society founded on the supervision of bodily and sexual practices.


Walerian Borowczyk, emancipation, biopolitics, body

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Cited by

Jagielski, S. (2021) “Enslaving or Liberating? Walerian Borowczyk’s ‘The Story of Sin’ as a Political Film”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (115), pp. 163–176. doi: 10.36744/kf.854.


Sebastian Jagielski 
Jagiellonian University Poland

Film historian, Assistant Professor at the Polish Film History Department of the Institute of Audiovisual Arts at the Jagiellonian University. He is the author of Maskarady męskości. Pragnienie homospołeczne w polskim kinie fabularnym [Masquerades of Masculinity: Homosocial Desire in Polish Cinema] (2013), and co-editor of the volumes Ciało i seksualność w kinie polskim [Body and Sexuality in Polish Cinema] (2009) and Kino polskie jako kino transnarodowe [Polish Cinema as Transnational Cinema] (2017).


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