A Double Portrait: The Image of Depression

Sławomir Sikora

University of Warsaw (Poland)


Beyond the Forest. Life in a Dying Culture in Transylvania by Gerald Igor Hauzenberger is a complex, multilayered work. The film presents a disappearing culture of the German minority in Transylvania. The culture that has roots in the migration that took place in the 12th century is captured in a double portrait of a man and a woman living in two places distant from one another. It is thanks to this technique that the Hauzenberger was able to create a complex and deep understanding of Johann Schuff. This controversial figure was not only a member of the Waffen SS in his youth, but continues to have racist views of ethnic minorities. This however does not prevent him from having a relationship of sorts with local Gypsies. Through the analysis of Schuff as a person, one is able to gain a deeper understanding of the role ideology plays in the life of a man. It also offers an alternative view of the complex history of Europe.


depression, Gerald Igor Hauzenberger, Transylvania

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Cited by

Sikora, S. (2009) “A Double Portrait: The Image of Depression”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (66), pp. 182–190. doi: 10.36744/kf.3144.


Sławomir Sikora 
University of Warsaw Poland

Adiunkt w Instytucie Etnolo­gii i Antropologii Kulturowej (UW), gdzie pro­wadzi zaje.cia z zakresu antropologii wizualnej i refleksyjnej. Autor ksiiążki Fotografia. Miedzy dokumentem a symbolem (2004). Publikował m. in. w „Kontekstach”, „Czasie Kultury”, „Roczni­ku Historii Sztuki”, „Dialogu”, „Latarniku”.


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