Somatographic Rhythms – Lucyna Winnicka in Films of Jerzy Kawalerowicz
Following Pierre Brossard, Roman Ingarden and his idea of layered film structure as well as Walter Benjamin’s discussion on the status of a film actor, the author reaches for a concept of somatography formulated in her earlier book, which might help to carry out a film analysis focused on the presence of the actor’s body in film. The analysis of the characters created by Lucyna Winnicka in Jerzy Kawalerowicz’ three films (The Train, Mother Joan of the Angels, The Game) allows one to identify the dominant somatographic rhythms that are determined by various the manner of filming, formal, technical, aesthetic decisions, actor’s expression in the film and the frame, the interactions between actors and between the actor and the camera. Ultimately the goal is a reflection upon modernist status of the body in a movie, which body can no longer be treated as a basic obsession of the cinema, nor as something that film has to cross or abandon in order to discover thought.
Lucyna Winnicka, Jerzy Kawalerowicz, body, actressReferences
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University of Warsaw Poland
Wykłada w Instytucie Kultury Polskiej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego oraz w Warszawskiej Szkole Filmowej. Zajmuje się teorią i historią filmu, historią kultury polskiej i francuskiej oraz antropologią kultury wizualnej. Współredagowała antologię Antropologia kultury wizualnej (2012) oraz monografię Nie chcę spać sam. Kino Tsai Ming-lianga (2009), wydała książkę Somatografia. Ciało w obrazie filmowym (2011, wyd. rosyjskie 2014).
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