Alain Resnais’ Theatrical Cinema

Tadeusz Lubelski
Jagiellonian University (Poland)


Alain Resnais was an avid theatregoer and it is no wonder that in Hiroshima, mon amour (1959) actors’ unnatural declamation stood out, and in the Last Year at Marienbad (1961) – the theatrical quotes. However, it is only since the mid 1980s that the poetics of the theatre in his films came to the fore. On the one hand, these were the adaptations of the plays of the English playwright Alan Ayckbourn – Smoking/No Smoking (1993) and Private Fears in Public Places (2006), on the other – straightforward performances on stage, omitting even the phase of the scenario: Melo (1986) by Henry Bernstein and Andre Barde and Maurice yvain’s operetta Not on the Lips (2003). The culmi- nation of this artistic search are the director’s last two films – You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet! (2012, based on a play by Jean Anouilh), and Life of Riley (Aimer, boire et chanter, 2013, based on a play by Ayckbourn) – that combine the above features and add new subject yet: the intermingling of theatre and life in the biography of the actors. Lubelski attempts to systematise the forms of presence of theatre in Resnais’ films and reflects on their relationship with the poetics of cinema.


Alain Resnais, Jean Anouilh, Alan Ayckbourn

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Cited by

Lubelski, T. (2014) “Alain Resnais’ Theatrical Cinema”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (87-88), pp. 70–82. doi: 10.36744/kf.2383.


Tadeusz Lubelski
Jagiellonian University Poland

Historyk i krytyk filmu, pro­fesor zwyczajny w Instytucie Sztuk Audiowizual­nych Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego (w latach 2008-2012 jego dyrektor), kierownik Katedry Historii Filmu Polskiego tamże. Opublikował książki: Strategie autorskie w polskim fil­mie fabularnym 1945-1961 (1992, wyd. II: 2000), Nowa Fala. O pewnej przygodzie kina francu­skiego (2000), Wajda (2006), Historia kina pol­skiego. Twórcy, filmy, konteksty (2009, Nagroda PISF), Historia niebyła kina PRL (2012, Nagroda „Kina” im. Bolesława Michałka). Redaktor pierw­szej polskiej Encyklopedii kina (2003, wyd. II: 2010); współredaktor Historii kina - tom I: Kino nieme (2009), tom II: Kino klasyczne (2011). Czło­nek Europejskiej Akademii Filmowej, ekspert PISF, członek Komitetu Nauk o Sztuce PAN (w la­tach 2007-2011 jego przewodniczący).


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