In Search of the Self: A Biographical Dyptych by the Łozińskis in the Context of the Lacanian Mirror Stage

Mirosław Przylipiak
University of Gdansk (Poland)


The subject of this paper is one shot included in two films: Ojciec i syn (Father and Son) (2013) by Paweł Łoziński and Ojciec i syn w podróży (Father and Son on a Journey) (2013) by Marcel Łoziński. This shot from the Łozińskis' family archive displays the father (Marcel Łoziński) standing in front of a mirror with a film camera in one hand and his little son Paweł on the other arm. It seems to be a perfect illustration of Jacques Lacan’s concept of the mirror stage, according to which the moment in which a baby recognizes itself in the mirror is a turning point, creating an awareness of individual identity, alongside with an awareness of its separateness from its principal caretaker. In this paper, the author analyses analyzing this shot through the prism of Lacanian theory, while also taking into account the differences in the editing of each film.




father and son, Paweł Łoziński, Marcel Łoziński, the mirror stage, psychoanalysis

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Cited by

Przylipiak, M. (2022) “In Search of the Self: A Biographical Dyptych by the Łozińskis in the Context of the Lacanian Mirror Stage”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (118), pp. 21–41. doi: 10.36744/kf.1198.


Mirosław Przylipiak
University of Gdansk Poland

Professor of film and media studies at the University of Gdansk, film critic, translator, documentary filmmaker. His main publications include the books Kino stylu zerowego [Zero Style Cinema] (1994, 2nd edition 2016), Kino najnowsze [New Cinema] (1998), Poetyka kina dokumentalnego [Aesthetics of Documentary Cinema] (2000, 2nd edition 2004), three books on American direct cinema, over 150 academic papers on various aspects of film and media, and numerous film reviews. He translated nearly 30 books, mostly from the fields of psychology and film, and some poetry. He also made several documentary films and educational television series. He was the founder and first managing director of Academic Educational Television at the University of Gdansk. He has been awarded many grants and fellowships, from the Fulbright Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and the Polish Ministry of Higher Education, among others. His main areas of interest are theory and aesthetics of cinema, documentary film, American direct cinema, and Polish cinema.


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