A Scream Captured in Freeze Frame

Sebastian Jagielski

Jagiellonian University (Poland)


Bilet powrotny (Return Ticket, 1978) by Ewa and Czesław Petelski ends with the main heroine’s scream captured in a freeze frame. The author of the article takes this gesture metaphorically, perceiving in it the impending catastrophe of the whole left-wing culture in the late 1970s. This frame heralds the imminent constraint on (people’s, women’s) emancipation narratives in Polish cinema and the gradual erasure of the left-wing tradition from the cultural field. The author analyses the various subjects of emancipation intersecting in Petelskis’ film. The image of the heroine, who is subjected to double subjugation, i.e., due to class (poverty) and gender (patriarchy), makes him ask, on the one hand, if the project of emancipation of social classes perpetuates the oppression of women. On the other hand, does the project of women’s emancipation dismantle class inequalities? Researchers and artists (but not filmmakers) have returned to the problem of repressed folk histories and class conflicts in the second decade of the 21st century, which suggests that the image of the subjugated others from Bilet powrotny, captured in a freeze frame, will be unlocked in Polish culture.

Supporting Agencies

The article is funded by National Science Centre in Poland under the project no. DEC-2020/04/X/HS2/01370/2.


Ewa Petelska, Czesław Petelski, folk histories, emancipation, feminism

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Cited by

Jagielski, S. (2022) “A Scream Captured in Freeze Frame”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (118), pp. 6–20. doi: 10.36744/kf.1176.


Sebastian Jagielski 
Jagiellonian University Poland

Film historian, Assistant Professor at the Polish Film History Department of the Institute of Audiovisual Arts at the Jagiellonian University. He is the author of Maskarady męskości. Pragnienie homospołeczne w polskim kinie fabularnym [Masquerades of Masculinity: Homosocial Desire in Polish Cinema] (2013), and co-editor of the volumes Ciało i seksualność w kinie polskim [Body and Sexuality in Polish Cinema] (2009) and Kino polskie jako kino transnarodowe [Polish Cinema as Transnational Cinema] (2017).



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