“Gesamtkunstwerk” in the Postmodern Era: Peter Greenaway and Tulse Luper Suitcases

Antoni Michnik

University of Warsaw (Poland)


The article is about the Tulse Luper Suitcases multimedia art project by Peter Greenaway. The project includes films, books, exhibitions, web pages, an on-line game and a gamut of theatre productions. Michnik wonders whether and in what way may this ambitious project be considered a contemporary example of Gesamtkunstwerk. Following Odo Marquard, Michnik analyses various ways of understanding of this concept, and asks whether in the world dominated by the aesthetics of the fragmentary, a total art work has a raison d'etre. In the second part of the article the author presents various meanings of the project, and reveals systems used by Greenaway in the realization of the project and the materials used for its construction. Then the author places the project in the context of the 20th century art initia­tives, with particular attention given to the meaning of the topos of the suitcase.


Peter Greenaway, Odo Marquard, suitcase

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Cited by

Michnik, A. (2010) “‘Gesamtkunstwerk’ in the Postmodern Era: Peter Greenaway and Tulse Luper Suitcases”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (70), pp. 173–193. doi: 10.36744/kf.3066.


Antoni Michnik 
University of Warsaw Poland

Student Kolegium MISH na UW, współpracownik Radia Roxy.fm; zajmuje się kręgiem kultury niemieckiej, filmem, sztukami wizualnymi.


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