“The Night Journey”: Bill Viola’s “Game” in Search for New Spaces

Andrzej Pitrus

Jagiellonian University (Poland)


In the introduction, Pitrus notes that video art always defined space in a slightly different way than it is defined in cinema. This was a result of the artists’ intentions, wishing to highlight the distinctiveness of the means of expression of new medium, and objective factors in video art: unlike in the cinema the viewer saw not only the movie frame, but also the machine. Additionally, film, in the traditional sense, was edited linearly, as a sequence of shots, while video art was an opportunity for the use of the strategy of mise-en-page. The ambivalence in terms of use and understanding of space in video art is also present in the work of Bill Viola. Pitrus analyses a selection of Viola’s works and immersive video installations, but he concentrates on the interactive project The Night Journey, in which Viola, for the first time, referred to the technology used in video games. The project uses technology platform created for games, and mechanics typical for this type of entertainment. Pitrus considers the project, particularly concen­trating on navigation and the possibility of interaction. He notices that The Night Journey focuses on immersion and deconstructs the mechanics of classic entertainment.


Bill Viola, video art, mise-en-page, space

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Cited by

Pitrus, A. (2010) ““The Night Journey”: Bill Viola’s ‘Game’ in Search for New Spaces”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (70), pp. 83–92. doi: 10.36744/kf.3059.


Andrzej Pitrus 
Jagiellonian University Poland

Pracownik naukowy Instytutu Sztuk Audiowizualnych UJ. Autor książek Nam niebo pozwoli. O filmowej i telewizyjnej twórczości Todda Haynesa (2004), Filmowcy i kiniarze (2004), Dotykając lustra. Melodramaty Douglasa Sirka (2006). Znawca problematyki kina niezależnego.


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