The Sheriff of the County Party Committee: The Image of the Communist Party Secretary in Polish Cinema of the 1970s

Piotr Zwierzchowski
Kazimierz Wielki University (Poland)


The purpose of this article is the reconstruction of film representation of the officers of the PZPR (Polish United Workers’ Party) in the context of changes in the party and its public perception in the 1970s. The author in his analysis of Bohdan Poręba’s Where the Water Is Pure and the Grass Is Green (1977) and Ryszard Filipski’s High Flights (1978), and the earlier The Line (1974) by Kazimierz Kutz, considers the context of their creation, how were the characters of the party secretaries constructed, which problems were considered to be most important and how were these films perceived in the context of the contemporary cinema. In order to answer these questions what needs to be considered apart from films, are the transcripts of the approval committees and subsequent versions of screenplays and storyboards, as well as press reception. This reveals the role and meanings attributed to the films, as well as the distance that divided the official reception from their actual meaning.


Polish United Workers' Party, Polish People's Republic, communism

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Cited by

Zwierzchowski, P. (2015) “The Sheriff of the County Party Committee: The Image of the Communist Party Secretary in Polish Cinema of the 1970s”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (92), pp. 108–122. doi: 10.36744/kf.2268.


Piotr Zwierzchowski
Kazimierz Wielki University Poland

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