The Adventures of Staś and Nel in the World of Marketing PR: An Analysis of the Promotional Campaign for Gavin Hood’s “In Desert and Wilderness”

Emil Sowiński
University of Lodz (Poland)


Polish film for children and young adults has not often drawn the interest of film researchers. Issues related to its production, distribution, and promotion have been addressed even less frequently. This article is an attempt to fill this gap. It discusses the marketing public relations activities undertaken to promote In Desert and Wilderness (W pustyni i w puszczy, dir. Gavin Hood, 2001). The author examines to what extent the PR strategy was based on a formula that worked well in the case of With Fire and Sword (Ogniem i mieczem, dir. Jerzy Hoffman, 1999), as well as whether the publicists were inspired by activities undertaken during the promotion of the first adaptation of Henryk Sienkiewicz’s novel – In Desert and Wilderness (1973), directed by Władysław Ślesicki. In this analysis, the author also examines the impact of PR activities on the critical reception of the film, drawing on archival press articles.


public relations, media relations, film marketing, Władysław Ślesicki, Gavin Hood

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Cited by

Sowiński, E. (2023) “The Adventures of Staś and Nel in the World of Marketing PR: An Analysis of the Promotional Campaign for Gavin Hood’s ‘In Desert and Wilderness’”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (121), pp. 119–143. doi: 10.36744/kf.1462.


Emil Sowiński
University of Lodz Poland

Historian of film at the University of Lodz (Department of Film and Audiovisual Media). Principal investigator in a research project on the production process at the Karol Irzykowski Film Studio. His research interests include the history of film culture in Poland and the economy of cinema. In 2018, he was awarded the first prize in Professor Ewelina Nurczyńska-Fidelska Competition for the Best Master’s Thesis on Polish Cinema. In 2018-2020, he was a co-investigator in the research project “Film Distribution and Exhibition in Poland: 1945-1989”, funded by the Polish National Science Centre.


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