Polish-Style Self-Reflexivity

Robert Birkholc

University of Warsaw (Poland)


The article is a review of Paweł Biliński’s book Kinematograf o sobie. Autotematyzm w polskim filmie fabularnym [Cinema on Itself: Reflexivity in Polish Feature Film] (2021). The reviewer points out that Biliński focuses on situations where reflexivity is manifested in the sphere of content, and not in the sphere of film form; he concentrates on other aspects of the issue than most film scholars interested in reflexivity. Kinematograf o sobie… is neither a dissertation in the field of cinema theory nor narratology; it is strictly a book in film history. Biliński tries to outline the history of Polish reflexivity and to answer the question why Polish filmmakers – not only experimenters, but also directors of entertainment movies – made reflexive films. The reviewer discusses the structure of the book and points out its strengths and weaknesses. In his view, Kinematograf o sobie… is a book that can satisfy readers interested in the history of Polish cinema more than readers fascinated by the philosophical or narrative aspects of reflexivity.


reflexivity, history of Polish cinema, metafiction

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Cited by

Birkholc, R. (2022) “Polish-Style Self-Reflexivity”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (119), pp. 182–188. doi: 10.36744/kf.1270.


Robert Birkholc 
University of Warsaw Poland

PhD, Research and Teaching Assistant in the Department of Comparative Studies at the Faculty of Polish Studies, University of Warsaw. His research focus is intersemiotic translation and the narrativity of literature and film. He published, e.g., in Kwartalnik Filmowy, Tekstualia, Konteksty, Załącznik Kulturoznawczy, Rocznik Komparatystyczny, Studia Europaea Gnesnensia. Author of the book Podwójna perspektywa. O subiektywizacji zapośredniczonej w filmie [The Double Perspective: On Mediated Subjectivisation in Film] (2019).



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