Facing Evil: The Problem of Gnosis in Andrzej Żuławski’s Polish Films of the 1970s

Marcin Maron

Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin (Poland)


The article concerns three Polish films directed by Andrzej Żuławski in the 1970s: Trzecia część nocy (The Third Part of Night, 1971), Diabeł (The Devil, 1972) and Na srebrnym globie (On the Silver Globe, 1976-77/1986-87). It discusses them in the context of inspirations and similarities with gnosis, understood as a trend of existential (Hans Jonas), religious (Kurt Rudolph) and ideological (Eric Voegelin) experience and thinking, as well as an “artistic myth” (Hans Blumenberg), making it possible to create a tale about the ambivalences of the human condition. The principal themes of Żuławski’s film works, common to all kinds of gnosis, are the question of the causes of evil and the problem of man’s alienation, as well as the related issues of self-cognition and cognition of the world. Gnostic motifs occur in Żuławski’s films in four basic aspects: as a vision of the world marked by downfall and the workings of evil; in the lives of protagonists, who are usually hyper-sensitive people, experiencing apocalyptical illuminations; in love and eroticism, which cause a cognitive shock in the protagonists, and, finally, on a more general level, in the idea of art as rebellion.


Andrzej Żuławski, Polish film, gnosis, evil, Apocalypse

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Cited by

Maron, M. (2022) “Facing Evil: The Problem of Gnosis in Andrzej Żuławski’s Polish Films of the 1970s”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (117), pp. 50–76. doi: 10.36744/kf.1030.


Marcin Maron 
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin Poland

Graduate of the Leon Schiller National Film School (PWSFTviT) in Łódź; holder of a postdoctoral degree conferred by the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Arts at Maria Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin, where he teaches photography and history of film. Author of the following books: Romantyzm i kino. Idee i wyobrażenia romantyczne w filmach polskich reżyserów z lat 1947-1990 [Romanticism and Cinema: Romantic Ideas in Films by Polish Directors of 1947-1990] (2019; winner of the Art Sciences Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences Award in 2020); Mieczysław Jahoda. Fenomeny światła [Mieczysław Jahoda: Phenomena of Light] (2019, with a biographic note by A. M. Leśniewska-Zagrodzka); Dramat czasu i wyobraźni. Filmy Wojciecha J. Hasa [Drama of Time and Imagination: Films by Wojciech J. Has] (2010). Co-author of the book Zdjęcia: Jerzy Lipman [Shooting: Jerzy Lipman] (2005, ed. T. Lubelski) and author of many articles concerning the connections between film, literature and philosophy. Lecturer at the Polish Film Academy (Warsaw, Łódź, Kielce). Since 2019, member of the Programme Council of the Polish Society of Film and Media Studies (PTBFM).


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