We're Here Together. On Wojciech Staroń's Documentary “Bracia”

Piotr Pławuszewski

Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (Poland)


The article presents, as its centre-point, Wojciech Staroń’s documentary film Bracia (Brothers, 2015). The author’s research aim is to demonstrate that this piece stands among the most significant achievements in contemporary Polish cinema. This position – to be confirmed by a precisely conducted analysis and interpretation (particularly with regard to cinematography and editing) – has been achieved by an original coverage of the history of two brothers, Mieczysław and Alfons Kułakowski, who in their old age, as returnees, travel back to Poland after several decades in Soviet exile. One of Staroń’s essential accomplishments is the visual concept of Brothers; its basic two assumptions (i.e. ascetic camera movements and inspiration by landscape painting) result directly from the observation of the protagonists’ lives and the artistic passion of Alfons Kułakowski, a painter.


Wojciech Staroń, documentary film, landscape, Alfons Kułakowski, Kułakowski brothers

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Cited by

Pławuszewski, P. (2020) “We’re Here Together. On Wojciech Staroń’s Documentary ‘Bracia’”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (112), pp. 107–126. doi: 10.36744/kf.555.


Piotr Pławuszewski 
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan Poland

Assistant Professor at the Institute of Film, Media and Audiovisual Arts at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. His academic interests revolve mostly around the documentary film and the history of Polish cinema. He is the author of the monograph Po swojemu. Kino Władysława Ślesickiego [One’s Own Way: Władysław Ślesicki and His Body of Work] (2017), co-editor of Pogranicza dokumentu [Borders of Documentary Film] (2012) and the monographic issue of Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication (2018, vol. XXIV): Kieślowski Revisited (and Re-watched). His articles and essays were published in Kwartalnik Filmowy, Images, Ekrany, Kino, Film & TV Kamera.


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