Comments to the Exhibition “Does Time Exist? Piotr Kamler’s Films and Installations”

Joanna Spalińska-Mazur
University of Opole (Poland)


In his most recent project, Kamler returns to the problem of time. He enables us to experience time of art through the direct experience of regular linear series (Telemann /2011/) and dynamic cycles that change in response to various stimuli (Continu-discontinu 2010 /2011/). He draws a connection between these “permanent projections” to movement frozen in art installations. This is an original understanding of the return to art contemplation in analogy to music. Through the exploration of analogies between the art forms, Kamler overcomes his old pessimism regarding the medium of animation. Trying to an­swer the question posed in the title of the exhibition, he enters the territory of music, as he believes that time can be tamed not just (or not only) through the repetition of the myth of beginning (as he argued in Chronopolis /1977-1982/) but also through the paradox of music.


Piotr Kamler, time, exhibition

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Cited by

Spalińska-Mazur, J. (2011) “Comments to the Exhibition ‘Does Time Exist? Piotr Kamler’s Films and Installations’”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (74), pp. 198–207. doi: 10.36744/kf.2972.


Joanna Spalińska-Mazur
University of Opole Poland

Filmoznawczyni; jej zainteresowania badawcze skupiają się głównie na autorskim filmie animowanym oraz problema­tyce czasu i obrazu. Opublikowała książki: Obraz-czas-myśl. O widzeniu w animacji filmowej (2007) oraz Inwencje i kontynuacje. Polski autorski film animowany w latach 1980-1990 (2009). Jest współredaktorką pierwszego (monograficznego) tomu periodyku „Este”: Spektrum animacji (2010), gromadzącego teksty o charaktery­stycznych zjawiskach współczesnej animacji.


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