Sorceress of Things: Albina Barańska in Conversation with Łukasz Maciejewski
An interview with Albina Barańska, the person responsible for the interior design, costumes and set design in over one hundred Polish films and TV series. One of the first films that she worked on was Birth Certificate (1961) by Stanisław Różewicz. During six decades of her professional life the artist worked with many directors, amongst others with Wojciech Jerzy Has, Kazimierz Kutz, Feliks Falk, Dorota Kędzierzawska, Jerzy Hoffman, Grzegorz Królikiewicz and Jerzy Antczak. However she found her greatest artistic fulfillment in the artistic tandem with Andrzej Barański, with whom she made fifteen feature films. In the conversation on the importance of props in the work of interior design artist Albina Barańska argues: We are the sorcerers of things.
Albina Barańska, interview, set design, costume designReferences
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independent researcher Poland
Dziennikarz, krytyk filmowy i teatralny, absolwent filmoznawstwa na UJ. Współpracuje z „Filmem”, „Dziennikiem”, „Teatrem”, „Magazynem Filmowym SFP” oraz z portalem „Filmweb”. Ekspert telewizji HBO, członek FIPRESCI. Moderator, juror i współorganizator kilkuset festiwali i przeglądów. Współpracownik Studia Filmowego „Kadr”. Autor lub współautor kilkunastu książek, Przygoda myśli (2009), Krystian Lupa. Rozmowy/Conversations (2009), Operowa Małopolska (2010), Il Nuovo Cinema Polacco. Recuperare Il Ritardo (2011). Laureat nagrody „Uskrzydlony” (2011).
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Copyright (c) 2011 Łukasz Maciejewski

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