Coded Mind Maps: Mobility of Things in Michel Gondry’s “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”
Things have the power to induce a memory, even one that has shriveled or has been apparently erased. Images-objects code mind maps in their fullest and perfect form, and their mobility is the result of the employment of the free will, that evolves through the discovery of consecutive stages of freedom of the awakening mind. Meaningful things, that accumulate the memory of events, and that serve as triggers of hidden energy of mind and induce traces of powerful emotional experiences play an important role in the Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) by Michel Gondry. The director tries to convince the viewer, that the erasure of memories as it is carried out in his film by the Lacuna Inc, that is the erasure based on mind maps of the patient, does not guarantee getting rid of the memories for ever, as there remain traces that are induced independently of the person’s will.
Michel Gondry, memory, thingsReferences
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Joanna Spaliń
University of Opole Poland
Filmoznawczyni; jej zainteresowania badawcze skupiają się głównie na autorskim filmie animowanym oraz problematyce czasu i obrazu. Opublikowała książki: Obraz-czas-myśl. O widzeniu w animacji filmowej (2007) oraz Inwencje i kontynuacje. Polski autorski film animowany w latach 1980-1990 (2009). Jest współredaktorką pierwszego (monograficznego) tomu periodyku „Este”: Spektrum animacji (2010), gromadzącego teksty o charakterystycznych zjawiskach współczesnej animacji.
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