Early Cinema as a Spectacle: The German Example

Andrzej Dębski

University of Wrocław (Poland)


Taking the assumption that early films are a late form of the historical art of projection, rooted in the culture of magical lanterns and varietes theatres, as a starting point, the author points to the features of the cinematographic shows, that gave them the character of a spectacle: commenting the action on the screen, musical accompaniment, interactions with the audience, and the interac- tions between members of the audience themselves, while watching sets of short films forming a larger whole. This model can be found in country fair travelling cinemas (also in rented halls), as well as in first proper and purpose-built cinemas. The character of this last category is presented more closely using the example of cinemas from Wrocław, and is supplemented by a discussion of other German examples. It is only the media breakthrough, that began in Germany in the years of 1910-1911, that lead to the individual viewer following the narration of feature lenght films.


German cinema, Wrocław, history of cinema

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Cited by

Dębski, A. (2014) “Early Cinema as a Spectacle: The German Example”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (85), pp. 73–86. doi: 10.36744/kf.2456.


Andrzej Dębski 
University of Wrocław Poland

Kieruje projektami Kino polskie i niemieckie na pograniczu kultur oraz Historia kina na Dolnym Śląsku do 1945 r. w Centrum im. Willy’ego Brandta Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. Autor monografii Historia kina we Wrocławiu w latach 1896-1918 (2009).


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