The Contexts of “The Story of Sin” – the Most Popular Film in Warsaw in 1911
The Story of Sin is the first Polish movie extending beyond one act. The author focuses on the contexts in which the film was made: the one linked with the media transformation (which in Warsaw was started by the films Den hvide Slavehandel and Afgrunden) and the emancipatory and modernising ones, referring to the work of Esther Sabelus, Kaspar Maase and Heide Satchlüpmann. The analysis of local press indicates that it was the most popular film in Warsaw in 1911, which might be linked to its subject matter connected to the theme of the “fallen woman” and the visual layer, revealing Warsaw scenery close to the viewers’ hearts. Yet analysis of the press suggests that the film was considered a threat to the “moral development of society”, as it portrayed the tensions associated with modernity and the evolution of the media society.
Antoni Bednarczyk, film press, WarsawReferences
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Andrzej Dę
University of Wrocław Poland
Kieruje projektami Kino polskie i niemieckie na pograniczu kultur i Historia kina na Dolnym Śląsku do 1945 r. (Centrum im. W. Brandta Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego). Autor Historii kina we Wrocławiu w latach 1896-1918 (2009) i współredaktor tomów zbiorowych: Unterwegs zum Nachbarn. Deutsch-polnische Filmbegegnungen (z B. Braun i A. Gwoździem /2015/), Sylwester Chęciński (z R. Bubnickim /2015/).
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