Traces of Unmade Movies

Rafał Syska
Jagiellonian University (Poland)


Syska discusses the usefulness of the reflection on unmade films in the context of film studies. The author considers four possible reasons why the analysis of unmade films can be useful. Firstly, it permits a more in depth, than in the case of realised films, description of the mechanism of script writing, the creation of subsequent versions of scenes, the casting process, experiments with loca­tions - in short the evolution of the film project. Secondly, it permits the analysis of the genesis of certain artistic solutions, which were not designed for films that were made, but for earlier works, that were not ultimately produced. Thirdly, it permits the creation of a wide net of citations and appropriations, as other films, often by other directors are inspired by the abandoned film projects. Fourthly, it permits the analysis of the film production process using the tools of the now popular production studies.


unmade movies, production studies, history of film

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Cited by

Syska, R. (2015) “Traces of Unmade Movies”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (89-90), pp. 27–40. doi: 10.36744/kf.2323.


Rafał Syska
Jagiellonian University Poland

Historyk filmu, dr hab. w Instytucie Sztuk Audiowizualnych Uniwersytetu Jagielloń­skiego. Autor książek: Film i przemoc. Sposoby obrazowania filmowych aktów przemocy (2003), Zachować dystans. Filmowy świat Roberta Alt- mana (2008), Poezja obrazu. Filmy Theo Angelo- poulosa (2008), Filmowy neomodernizm (2014). Redaktor Słownika filmu i współredaktor wielo­tomowych publikacji Mistrzowie kina amerykań­skiego i Historia kina. Stypendysta Fundacji na rzecz Nauki Polskiej. W 2012 r. przebywał jako Scholar Visiting na Columbia University. Założy­ciel i redaktor naczelny magazynu „Ekrany”.


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