Revisiting the Repertoires of Cinemas for Poles in Occupied Kraków

Andrzej Dębski
University of Wrocław (Poland)


The article concerns the film offer and demand in cinemas for Poles in Nazi-occupied Kraków during World War II. Data from the publication Owoc zakazany [Forbidden Fruit] (1987) by Jerzy Semilski and Jerzy Toeplitz, hitherto the main source of knowledge on the subject, were verified, supplemented, and entered into spreadsheets, which made it possible to re-analyse them, i.a. using the POPSTAT method. Thus, it was confirmed that until March 1943, when Polish films were present in the repertoires of Kraków cinemas, they were the most watched films. Data on attendance in the General Government were also analysed, leading to the conclusion that it was likely to reach the 1938 level in 1942. These considerations are presented against the background of the latest findings concerning the functioning of Third Reich cinematography (the role of market mechanisms and audience-orientation), as well as its expansion in the occupied countries.


cinema of the Third Reich, cinema under German occupation, World War II, audience preferences, POPSTAT, General Government

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Cited by

Dębski, A. (2022) “Revisiting the Repertoires of Cinemas for Poles in Occupied Kraków”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (117), pp. 161–183. doi: 10.36744/kf.1046.


Andrzej Dębski
University of Wrocław Poland

PhD, Assistant Professor at the Willy Brandt Centre for German and European Studies at the University of Wrocław. Author of the books Historia kina we Wrocławiu w latach 1896-1918 [History of Cinema in Wrocław in 1896-1918] (2009) and Nowoczesność, rozrywka, propaganda. Historia kina we Wrocławiu w latach 1919-1945 [Modernity, Entertainment, Propaganda: History of Cinema in Wrocław in 1919-1945] (2019). Co-editor of volumes devoted to the history of cinema in Wrocław and Lower Silesia, Wrocław directors (Stanisław Lenartowicz, Sylwester Chęciński), and Polish-German film relations, as well as an anthology on early cinema.


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