An Outsider

Non-reviewed material

Paulina Haratyk
Jagiellonian University (Poland)


Are the personal stories and recollections shared with the researcher during an interview as valuable as official documents such as film acceptance protocols found in state archives? In the her research on the Amateur Film Clubs movement, the author used oral history and participant observation. These methods are often criticized as subjective or unreliable, due to their differences from archival research or quantitative empirical methods. In this contribution, then, (not) fitting into the issue’s topic (or perhaps into the formula of the column), she references her memories of her first encounter with amateur cinema to analyse the validity, nature, and scientific approach of these research methods. She demonstrates how the choice of methodology impacts the perspective and understanding of the researched topic. Her focus is on the challenges and difficulties associated with using these methods, particularly the necessity of adapting the researcher’s approach and behaviour. (Non-reviewed material).


amateur cinema, memory, interviews, autoethnography

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Cited by

Haratyk, P. (2024) “An Outsider”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (127), pp. 265–274. doi: 10.36744/kf.2981.


Paulina Haratyk
Jagiellonian University Poland

Film and literary scholar, a graduate of the Jagiellonian University. In 2022, at the Jagiellonian University, she defended her doctoral thesis entitled Film amatorski w Polsce 1956-1989 w świetle badań archiwalnych oraz relacji członków ruchu Amatorskich Klubów Filmowych [Amateur film in Poland 1956-1989 in the light of archival research and accounts of members of the Amateur Film Clubs movement]. In her research, she focuses on amateur, independent, and avant-garde cinema, as well as on film and visual archives. She collaborates with cultural institutions. Her achievements include, among others, establishing the collection of amateur films at National Film Archive – Audiovisual Institute (FINA). She published in Kwartalnik FilmowyPrzegląd Kulturoznawczy, and Ekrany.


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