The Bodily Aspect of Film, the Film Aspect of the Body

Waldemar Frąc
Jagiellonian University (Poland)


The physicality of cinema has become a significant phenomenon in the perspective of philosophical anthropology. It seems that the cinematic diagnosis of human externality has no boundaries, which is significant for the experience and thought of human affairs in general. Cinema however, in spite of the obvious suggestion, does not fulfil itself in picture bound love discourse, but through the ability of transcending the space-time continuum; above all it reveals the mystery of temporality of the body. Hence the film fascination with existential boundaries determined by bodily temporality. It influences not only the way one experiences one’s body, but also one’s way of thinking, and ideological creation of reality. Human materiality has become a kind of response to the ideological vacuum that the second half of the twentieth century gave birth to. That is why the body remembering in itself became a basic element of modernity, although a deeper anthropological thought must note in it an obvious inadequacy.


body, performativity, corporeality

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Cited by

Frąc, W. (2013) “The Bodily Aspect of Film, the Film Aspect of the Body”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (83-84), pp. 146–151. doi: 10.36744/kf.2691.


Waldemar Frąc
Jagiellonian University Poland

Absolwent filmoznawstwa i fi­lozofii na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim, adiunkt w Zakładzie Teorii i Antropologii Filmu (Instytut Sztuk Audiowizualnych) Uniwersytetu Jagielloń­skiego. Zajmuje się filozoficznymi kontekstami kina i etycznymi aspektami audiowizualności. Opublikował Kino możliwe (2003) oraz artykuły w „Principiach”, „Przeglądzie Kulturoznawczym”, „Ethosie”.


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