Box Office Analysis as a Tool of Film Studies Research

Arkadiusz Lewicki
University of Wrocław (Poland)


The article is an attempt to identify the advantages and dangers of the analysis of financial results and audience frequency generated by individual films. This type of statistics, rather rarely used in Polish film studies discourse could, according to the author, become an interesting addition to the existing methods of research, but their use requires special care and far-reaching scepticism. In the article the most important methodological problems associated with the use of box office analy­sis are discussed, but the most important opportunities and challenges facing researchers wishing to make use of statistics relating to the popularity of video and data on their cinema audience in their deliberations are also pointed out.


box office, film studies, statistics

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Cited by

Lewicki, A. (2014) “Box Office Analysis as a Tool of Film Studies Research”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (85), pp. 118–132. doi: 10.36744/kf.2459.


Arkadiusz Lewicki
University of Wrocław Poland

Dr hab., pracownik Insty­tutu Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego; filmoznawca i medioznawca. Autor książek: Sztuczne światy. Post­modernizm w filmie fabularnym (2007); Od House’a do Shreka. Seryjność w kulturze popu­larnej (2011); Seks i Dziesiąta Muza. Erotyzm, re­lacje intymne i wzorce genderowe w kinie przedkodeksowym (1894-1934) (2011). Redaktor czasopisma „Znaczenia”.


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