From Spectacle Art to the Cinema of Attraction, or the Intermedia Character of a Film Trick
In his article, Dębski draws attention to the inter-media links of cinematography and its roots in the nineteenth century culture of spectacles. By referencing the work of Tom Gunning, Andre Gaudreault, and Martin Loiperdinger, and analysing German and Wrocław based examples (eg. Schenk’s Eden-Theater spectacles, plays of the Liebich’s theatre, Fiedler’s advertisements of magic lanterns), he shows the broad context of the beginnings of cinematography. He also points to the affinity of film tricks with “tricks” known from the older media (theater illusion, magic lantern, mechanical theater) and deconstructs the myth that Melies invented the “first movie trick”. The author further emphasizes the richness and diversity of the early cinema of attraction, which was characterized by the “joy of experimentation”.
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Andrzej Dę
University of Wrocław Poland
Dr, kieruje projektem „Historia kina na Dolnym Śląsku do 1945 roku” w Centrum im. Willy’ego Brandta Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. Jest autorem książki Historia kina we Wrocławiu w latach 1896-1918 (2009), a także współredaktorem tomów zbiorowych, Unterwegs zum Nachbarn. Deutsch-polnische Filmbegegnungen (wraz z Brigitte Braun i Andrzejem Gwoździem, 2013), Sylwester Chęciński (z Rafałem Bubnickim, 2015), KINtop. Antologia wczesnego kina (z Martinem Loiperdingerem, 2016).
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In issues from 105-106 (2019) to 119 (2022) all articles were published under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence. During this period the authors granted a royalty-free non-exclusive licence (CC BY-ND 4.0) to use their article in „Kwartalnik Filmowy”, retained full copyright, and agreed to identify the work as first having been published in our journal should it be published or used again.
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