Faces and Landscapes: A Reconnaissance

Barbara Kita

University of Silesia, Katowice (Poland)


The article attempts to reconstruct selected observations on the relationship between face and landscape in classic texts of French film theory. The author proposes to trace those places in the works of Jean Epstein, Béla Balázs, Edgar Morin, or Gilles Deleuze in which the interrelation between the human face and the landscape is discussed (even if only to a small extent) in relation to cinema. She notes that the early film scholars viewed the relationship in question from the perspective of the specificity of the film medium. Their proposals are then placed in the context of considerations by contemporary theorists – Pascal Bonitzer, Jacques Aumont, and Jean Mottet, among others – who recognize the gradual re-evaluation and transformation of the interrelationship between face and landscape, and finally, their disappearance or even destruction.


French film studies, theory, face, landscape

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Cited by

Kita, B. (2023) “Faces and Landscapes: A Reconnaissance”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (123), pp. 139–163. doi: 10.36744/kf.1748.


Barbara Kita 
University of Silesia, Katowice Poland

Associate Professor (PhD), cultural scientist, and film expert working at the Institute of Culture Studies at the University of Silesia. Her academic interests focus on the theory of film and new media (French in particular), as well as the problems of image, space, and urbanization. She wrote the books Między przestrzeniami. O kulturze nowych mediów [Between Spaces: The Culture of New Media] (2003) and Obraz zatrzymany. Praktyka i teoria późnego Godarda [Arrested Image: The Practice and Theory of Late Godard] (2013). She is the editor of Przestrzenie tożsamości we współczesnym kinie europejskim [Spaces of Identity in Contemporary European Cinema] (2006) and the co-editor (together with Andrzej Gwóźdź) of the publication Pamięć kina [Memory of Cinema] (2013). Moreover, she co-edited (with Magdalena Kempna-Pieniążek) the books Filmowe pejzaże Europy [Film Landscapes of Europe] (2017) and Filmowe pejzaże Ameryk [Film Landscapes of the Americas] (2020), as well as (with Ilona Copik) Kultury obrazu – tabu – edukacja [Image Cultures – Taboo – Education] (2018). She is a member of the Polish Society for Film and Media Studies.


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