New Lithuanian Cinema and Mediality of the Affect. The Case of „The Collectress” by Kristina Buožytė and „You Can’t Escape Lithuania” by Romas Zabarauskas

Ilya Tsibets
University of Lodz (Poland)


The author analyzes two Lithuanian films (The Collectress /dir. Kristina Buožytė, 2008/ and You Can’t Escape Lithuania /dir. Romas Zabarauskas, 2016/), exploring the possibilities of cinematic representations of affectivity from the perspective of media self-referentiality. Inspired by the psychoanalytical concepts of Jacques Lacan and the feminist reflection of Laura Mulvey and Mieke Bal, the author of the article used the example of the above-mentioned films to prove that affectivity is largely mediated, which is a peculiar sign of the our time. The article also outlines the shape of contemporary Lithuanian cinema, whose creators often refer to issues of affect and senses in their works. Another important research assumption is to draw attention to Lithuanian cinema, which is only rarely and superficially discussed in Poland.


Lithuanian cinema, Lithuania, scopophilia, queer cinema, mediality

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Cited by

Tsibets, I. (2020) “New Lithuanian Cinema and Mediality of the Affect. The Case of „The Collectress” by Kristina Buožytė and „You Can’t Escape Lithuania” by Romas Zabarauskas”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (111), pp. 145–162. doi: 10.36744/kf.392.


Ilya Tsibets
University of Lodz Poland

A graduate of cultural studies at the University of Lodz. He continues his studies at the University of Lodz Doctoral School of Humanities. He is preparing a doctoral dissertation on identity narratives in the cinematographies of the former USSR. He researches the connections between post-communist historical and cultural policies and practices of collective remembering with the newly emerging cinematographic industries of the indicated region.


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