From Warsaw Uprising to Black Panthers: How Edward Laudański Became Edouard de Laurot

Łukasz Kiełpiński
University of Warsaw (Poland)


The article introduces an almost entirely forgotten (especially in Polish film studies) film figure who had a significant impact on the history of cinema between the 1950s and the 1970s: Edward Laudański, known in the West as Edouard (or Yves) de Laurot. Laudański appears in Polish literature mainly within the historiography of the Warsaw Uprising (1944), in which he actively participated. Based on research in libraries and selected archives, the author attempts to outline the trajectory of Laudański’s life, from his participation in the Warsaw Uprising, through collaborations with Orson Welles and Federico Fellini and co-founding Film Culture with the Mekas brothers, to endorsing the leftist cinéma engagé movement in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Finally, the purpose of the text is to show that the film theory developed by Laudański can still be inspiring and to answer the question why, while Jonas Mekas became a cinema legend, his former co-worker and friend has been forgotten.


Edouard de Laurot, Yves de Laurot, Edward Laudanski, Jonas Mekas, Warsaw Uprising

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Cited by

Kiełpiński, Łukasz (2024) “From Warsaw Uprising to Black Panthers: How Edward Laudański Became Edouard de Laurot”, Kwartalnik Filmowy, (128), pp. 105–128. doi: 10.36744/kf.3668.


Łukasz Kiełpiński
University of Warsaw Poland

PhD student in the Doctoral School of Humanities at the University of Warsaw. He has published in Kwartalnik Filmowy, Widok, Kultura Współczesna, and Ekrany. PI in a “Perły nauki” [“Pearls of Science”] research grant, funded by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, focused on the early diaristic practices in documentary and avant-garde film. He has conducted research in this area at the University of Toronto (Joanne DeMone Graduate Student Award; 2023-2024) and Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen in Vienna (Jerzy Giedroyc Junior Visiting Fellowship; 2024-2025). Awarded in the XXVI and XXVII editions of the Krzysztof Mętrak Competition for young film critics. His interests include the intersection of cinema and philosophy, psychoanalysis, affect theory, and cultural history of the 20th century.


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