A Girl’s Diary: The Early Work of Sadie Benning
The author discusses the early video works of Sadie Benning, in which the teen artist finds her voice with the help of Fisher Price Pixelvision camera. The tapes from the years 1989-1992 - a kind of a girl’s diary who is discovering her lesbian identity - are in a way a form of ex- tended coming out process combined with the construction of a queer identity. At the same time the tapes constitute a challenge to the sexist and homophobic society. They are also a record of an experiment with the specific medium, and they show smooth shifts from the diary mode to experiments with the appropriation of existing materials.
Sadie Benning, queer, diaryReferences
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Dagmara Rodekwartalnik.filmowy@ispan.pl
University of Lodz Poland
Kulturoznawczyni (spec. filmoznawstwo i wiedza o mediach), adiunktka w Katedrze Mediów i Kultury Audiowizualnej UŁ. Interesuje się awangardą filmową, sztuką wideo, feminizmem i teorią queer.
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