Rage and Scream: The Case Study of the Reception of Aleksei Balabanov’s “Cargo 200”
The article presents an analysis of the way Cargo 200 (dir. Aleksei Balabanov, 2007) was received by Russian audiences following the premiere of the film. The assessment of the film as a work of art and the image of Russia it contained divided both the film critics and ordinary members of the audience, and became a subject of a social debate. The analytical part of the article, dealing with critical interpretation of the film, is based on historical-materialist method of analysis of film reception created by Janet Staiger. The main point of reference in the analysis is the ideology that dominated the politics of history in Russia at the time and which also dominated classic rules of narrative. Psychoanalytic theory was used to analyse the affective experience of the film.
Aleksei Balabanov, Janet Staiger, psychoanalysisReferences
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Paulina Gorlewskakwartalnik.filmowy@ispan.pl
Jagiellonian University Poland
Absolwentka filmoznawstwa i rosjoznawstwa na UJ, doktorantka w Instytucie Sztuk Audiowizualnych UJ.
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